Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's not a hernia...

I went to see Dr. Abney today about the swelling in my groin. She did a thorough exam and found that I did not have any defects or ruptures in my groin, so she ruled out the hernia. She said that more than likely it was Sayer putting pressure on my pelvis, so she suggested that I start to wear a pregnancy belt to alleviate some of the pressure. I have another appointment in two weeks, so she will check it again then, but for now all is well. Thank goodness... I can stop worrying!

Also at today's appointment I heard the heartbeat again, which was very loud and very strong. She measured my belly to confirm that Sayer is still growing - and he is!

I have gained 4 pounds since my last appointment, so I am at a 23 pound weight gain to date. 23 pounds in 25 weeks. Not too shabby!

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