Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 22, 2010

School Carnival

Tonight the boy's school had a Fall Carnival!

The kids were able to dress up in their Halloween costumes and have some fun at school with all of their classmates. Here are a few pictures that I tried to get of the boys before the carnival. It's so hard to capture them both looking at the camera and smiling!

Sayer playing games at the carnival... the bean bag toss, the ring toss and the cake walk.

What fun he had!! Look forward to next year when Greyson will be able to participate too!

Playing with Uncle J

I-Chat has to be the best thing ever! Without this technology Sayer would not be able to have these experiences with Uncle J. Watching them interact is always so fun! Sayer LOVES showing off for his favorite uncle.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big Boy!!!

Greyson is really starting to enjoy exploring his exersaucer! He spent a long while today playing in it. He is getting so big. Just look at those chubby legs!

Weekend in Omaha!

This weekend most of the family loaded up and headed north to Omaha! The reason for the trip... a day at the zoo! We took Sayer this summer, but because of his short attention span, we were only able to see about half of the attractions. We started at the main entrance this time and were able to visit the penguin exhibit, the aquarium, the sea lions, the elephants, the rhinos, the coy pond, the lions and the orangutans. And Sayer and Emma got to spend some time playing on the playground equipment. Greyson was a great baby and even fell asleep in the Baby Bijorn. We had quite the day!

We got a suite at a hotel in Omaha and spent the afternoon watching football, visiting and

Laughing Baby!!

Greyson started laughing late last week and I was able to capture it on camera. Listening to a baby laugh always elicits laughter from everyone else! Hope this makes you laugh!

22 Months

Sayer is 22 months today and what a fun age this is!!

He is in "Monkey See... Monkey Do" mode right now. Every thing that he hears or sees gets repeated back almost immediately. Some are good and some are not so good. It definitely forces Mike and I to think before we speak or act!

Sayer is also talking a lot. He can say every one of his classmates names, which is a pretty big accomplishment according to his teacher. We go through role call at least once a day... Stewwa Home... Liam Home... Hudson Home, etc. He can even say MaCallen, which is a mouth full for a 22 month old!

Today Sayer asked his daddy to say excuse me after he belched! He said "Excuse Me Gaggy"! And he told Greyson "No No" when he got a hold of something that he shouldn't have. I can only imagine what a mother hen he will be in a few short months.

Some of my favorite things that Sayer says:
  • Where'd he go? (as he turns up his hands and shrugs his shoulders)
  • Sayah
  • Hammah
  • Aahball (for football)
  • BBBall (for basketball)
  • Golk (for golf)
  • Amma
  • Gimmy (this was a new one as of this weekend)
  • Gaggy (for Daddy)

We have begun to talk to Sayer about getting rid of his bucca when he turns two. We are going to have him turn it over to his doctor at his 2 year baby well check. So, I am hoping that he will be prepared to do so if I continue to talk to him about it daily. We'll see.

We love you honey and look forward to watching you grow, learn and explore new things daily. You never cease to amaze us buddy!

Here are a couple of short videos that illustrates Monkey See - Monkey Do!

Homecoming 2010

Last Friday we celebrated homecoming at Platte County!! There was a major change in the parade route this year and for the first time ever the parade route was down 4th Street instead of Main Street. It was AWESOME! Lining the chairs along the sidewalk and being able to sit under shade trees just made the parade that much more enjoyable! We already have a spot picked out for next year's parade.

After the parade we went to watch the hot dog eating contest. There was a d.j. playing music at that celebration, so Sayer made himself very comfortable in the middle of the dance floor. Even if he was the ONLY one out there dancing! What a riot it is to watch him dance!

Sayer also got to hang out with his buddy MaCallen at the hot dog eating contest. Hard to believe that Spencer and I have two little boys that are in the same class at school. What fun they must have playing together.

They're trying to be big boys and push Greyson around in the stroller. It was a little harder than they thought it would be.

I've got the rhythm!

I have said since Day 1 that I wanted Sayer to be a hip-hop dancer! It's not so much that I want him to be a dancer, I just want a boy that can hear a beat and is comfortable on the dance floor!! Well, if these past few months are any indication of what's to come, I think that he'll be quite comfortable being the center of attention on any platform!!

We took him to church a couple of weeks ago to hear a gentleman from Nashville perform children's songs. Sayer loved every minute of the performance!! But what he loved more than anything was being able to dance all around the church while the music played! He was a hoot to watch. I love you buddy! You bring joy to my life everyday!


Anyone that knows Sayer knows how attached he is to his bucca! He thinks that his brother should have his bucca in his mouth at all times also. So, if Greyson loses his bucca Sayer is always right there to pick it up and put it back in his mouth. What a good big brother! Thank you Sayer!!

4 Months Old

At 4 months old Greyson is a joy to be around! He has the prettiest smile and uses it anytime anyone talks to him. I honestly don't think I've been around a happier baby. He is cooing and babbling and grasping at objects and toys. He is drooling so much I think that he might be starting to teeth - although we probably won't see a tooth for a few more months. At his 4 month baby well check he weighed 15.13 (50%) and was 25.5 inches long (75%). We will start rice cereal this month so we'll see how he likes that!

We love you Baby Grey!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Red Barn Farm

Red Barn Farm... Weston, MO. What a destination!!

During our visit Sayer was able to take his very first ride on a pony, take a hayride to the pumpkin patch where he picked his very own pumpkin and watched the goats and chickens run around. He had such a great experience! And Greyson was a little trooper, like always!

This was Sayer's expression for almost the entire ride. I'm not sure he knew what to think about his experience. I only know he liked it because he cried when he had to get off the horse!

he spotted his pumpkin!

and we're back on the wagon with the pumpkin!