Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sayer's Holiday Party

Having a birthday one week before Christmas means that you share your special day with lots of other holiday parties and celebrations. This year Sayer's Holiday Party at school happened to fall on his birthday. Of course, at this age he doesn't know the difference, but I do and I wanted to try to make it extra special for my little man. So, I rolled a little of his birthday and a little of the holiday party into one and had this special Elmo cupcake treat made for his class! The kiddos LOVED it!
It amazes me how the teachers in Sayer's room are able to get 16 two year old kids to sit still in their chairs as they wait for their holiday treats. And treats they had... cupcakes, cookies on a stick, chips, carrots, candy, juice boxes! Sayer ate and ate and ate!

After the treats they had a book exchange. So, they sat on the floor and unwrapped their presents... each child anxious to see what was under the paper. And each child just as anxious to see what their friends had opened too...

What a fun start to Sayer's 2nd birthday weekend...

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