Monday, June 30, 2008
Doctors Appt. - 15 weeks
She asked if I had felt the baby move yet (which I haven't), and said that most women begin feeling movement between 15 and 20 weeks. So, sometime between now and our next appt., which is July 30, I should feel this little guy moving! I can't wait to experience that!
Speaking of little guy, our next appt. is with an ultrasound so hopefully we will be able to confirm that this is a little boy that I am carrying. Either way, boy or girl, we just pray for a healthy baby. If God blesses us with that, we will be happy!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Practicing Parenting...
He is such a cute little boy! Mike and I loved holding him and watching his facial expressions as he slept and dreamed. He was so good... he slept almost the entire night! We joked that it's always that easy, right?

Uncle Mike holding Slayton
Nanoo holding Slayton... she got him to fall asleep!
Roayls Game - (Flavor Ice for Life!)

It was Alex Gordon bobblehead night that night at the park and each of us got a bobblehead - (I sent mine back to TN with Jason to give to J.D.) Not sure that they looked a whole lot like Alex Gordon - they were kind of generic looking!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Weekend Visit with Jason

It was great to see Jason even if it was for only a few days. I hate it that he lives so far away. I really do miss him being close by. I think it will be hard on him too when our little one arrives in December.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy 34th Anniversary / Happy Father's Day!
Not only was it Father's Day, but it was also my parents 34th Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Mike and I treated them to dinner at Bonefish, our favorite restaurant in the Northland! I think we all stuffed ourselves with appetizers, salads, dinner and dessert, but it was well worth it!
We had a great time with great company and plenty of laughs!

Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy 5th Birthday Will and Lily!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Plump little belly!

Sergeant of Arms...

Monday, June 9, 2008
Week 12

And baby makes three!

our tiny little peanut
Three weeks later we had another ultrasound and once again were relieved when immediately the heartbeat was detected and we saw that little baby waving to us! I watched Mike that time because I couldn't bring myself to watch the screen... to see my husband mouth the words "Thank God" and see him sigh for relief as he shed tears of joy said everything. We left that appointment once again feeling blessed.
the best sound in the world - the heartbeat!
Last Thursday we had another ultrasound and it was amazing to see the differences in the baby. The sonographer said that the baby had big feet... like daddy. She even pointed out a little "nub" that could be an indication of a little boy. She couldn't be 100% sure since it's still a bit early, but Mike and I feel deep down that I have a little boy in my belly... so now we refer to the baby as "him" - it sounds so much better than "it" anyway. We'll find out for sure on July 30th.