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Monday, June 30, 2008

Doctors Appt. - 15 weeks

Today Mike and I had another doctors appt. Dr. Abney checked my blood pressure, weight and the baby's heartbeat. Everything looked good. To date, I have gained 5 pounds, which is right on target. She wants me to gain between 25-30 pounds total.

She asked if I had felt the baby move yet (which I haven't), and said that most women begin feeling movement between 15 and 20 weeks. So, sometime between now and our next appt., which is July 30, I should feel this little guy moving! I can't wait to experience that!

Speaking of little guy, our next appt. is with an ultrasound so hopefully we will be able to confirm that this is a little boy that I am carrying. Either way, boy or girl, we just pray for a healthy baby. If God blesses us with that, we will be happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to hear things are going good!!