Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Roayls Game - (Flavor Ice for Life!)

Last Saturday Jason, Dad, Mike and I went to the Royals game. I hadn't been to the ballpark for a few years to see a game, so I was glad that Jason wanted to go while he was home. We had a fabulous time! Some - more than others.

We tailgated prior to the game and cooked shrimp appetizers and brats! We had such a good time... except for when the guy next to us left the stadium in a hurry and ran into our grill with his car. Thankfully we didn't have any meat on yet and dad had brought gloves along so we were able to pick up the hot coals. The food was fabulous and was a lot cheaper than what they were selling inside!

It was Alex Gordon bobblehead night that night at the park and each of us got a bobblehead - (I sent mine back to TN with Jason to give to J.D.) Not sure that they looked a whole lot like Alex Gordon - they were kind of generic looking!

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