Sunday, August 16, 2009
First Injury...
Last Thursday I was driving home from work and Mike frantically called me asking where I was. I could tell by his voice that something wasn't right. So, as calmly as I could, I asked him what was going on and he said "Sayer got hurt!" My stomach dropped to my knees, but then I realized I could hear him crying in the background, so I knew he was not unconscious (which was a good sign). He then told me that Sayer had pulled one of his toys on top of himself and had a pretty big knot and bruise above his left eye.
can you see the bruise above Sayer's eye?
This, I know, is the first of many battle wounds that this child and if it's just a knot and bruise we are lucky! And the toy... it got banished to the garage by Daddy. I had to convince him that he shouldn't throw it in the trash, because that's where he was headed with it!

This weekend Sayer started saying "Baba" and blowing rasberries! It seems like every other day he is reaching a new milestone! These are exciting times for all of us!
Mama... Mama... Mama
Sayer's first word on August 6th was "Mama"! I was feeding him dinner and all of a sudden he said "Mama". Aunt KiKi and Uncle J were witnesses. Kelly and I immediately looked at each other and said... "He just said Mama!" It was awesome! That weekend he just kept saying that word over and over and over again. This week he said "Baba", so now we get a mix of mama and baba. Daddy keeps trying to get him to say "DaDa" but it hasn't happened yet. Maybe soon!
Bath Time - Splash Time!
Lately "Bath Time" in the kitchen sink has turned into "Splash Time" in the sink! Sayer loves his fishing pole and more than that he loves to splash the water in the sink. By the time his bath is over Mommy looks like a drowned rat and the entire kitchen floor, cabinetry and countertop are soaked! At least he's having fun... right?
Big Boy!
Just recently we began using high chairs at restaurants for Sayer. He loves sitting at the table with us while we eat. I think he feels like such a big boy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Royal's Game
Last Friday night, while Jason was in town, we went to the Royal's game! Even though the Royal's played horribly that night, we had a great time tailgating before the game and enjoyed seeing the renovations at the stadium. This was the first game that most of us had seen the new ballpark. It is amazing!

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Fun at the Farm!
The past couple of weekends Mom, Aunt Karen and I have been at my grandparents farm going through their house getting ready for their Estate Sale. That has been a very emotional, difficult process for us! So many memories...

Today Sayer went with me for the first time since Grandpa's funeral in January. He had such a good time! We walked all over the farm enjoying the trees, the shade, the breeze and every smell! I couldn't help but shed a few tears walking around their land as I thought about what it was like to spend time there as a kid climbing trees, riding 4-wheelers and just being with my grandparents! Some of the best memories of my life!!!
I mourned the fact that my son will never be able to experience life on the farm like I did with Grandpa and Grandma Williams. And in just a few short months we won't be able to go to the farm and walk around and enjoy it as we have my entire life! I know my grandparents would have enjoyed spending time on the farm with my son (their first great grandson) like nothing else in the entire world!
Today Grandpapa Jenks fired the tractor up for the first time in a long time and was able to share the same joy that my Grandpa shared with my brother, Justin and I, giving his own grandson a tractor ride. Sayer loved it! And I'm pretty sure Grandpa and Grandma Williams were smiling down from heaven enjoying it just the same!

Love My Swing!
Sayer loves to swing on my parents porch swing and he loves to swing just as much in his swing at our house. This morning we took advantage of a wonderfully pleasant morning and did some swinging! 

Starting out swinging!
Getting a little sleepy!
Down for the count!
Mohawk Sayer!

Mike and I both have the thickest hair that you could imagine... and it's dark too! Where my son gets his super fine, super thin hair, super light colored hair I will never know. The only place that I can get his hair to do anything is in the bath when it is wet. Yesterday I gave him a mohawk!! It turned out pretty good, as long as the camera hit him at the right angle. I took a couple from the side and you could hardly see the hair! I just don't get it - it's pretty funny :-)
Abby's Baby Shower
Saturday morning mom and I hosted a baby shower for my cousin Seth's wife Abby. We had a great turn-out and enjoyed celebrating the arrival of my newest cousin Finley Addison! We can't wait to meet her! Christmas this year will be great with our newest additions... Sayer and Finley! Love you both!!

Parents Night Out!
This past weekend we took advantage of "Parents Night Out" at the daycare that both Emma Grace and Sayer go to and we went to dinner at Kona Grill. It was fabulous!!! We spent a wonderful evening hanging out with the family and great friends, Bob and Sarah, and all had a fun evening! After dinner we came back to Chez Reik and enjoyed a few cocktails on the deck and great conversation. Who would have imagined that we would have such fall-like weather on August 1st??? Amazing! We're already planning our next outing to La Bodega next month! Can't wait!

Mike was showing off his "model look"!!!
The tree took center stage that night after dinner. Why???? Who knows!!

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