Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Week 23 Doctor's Appt.
Sayer's heartbeat is right on target and is very strong and my belly is measuring right where it should be... 24 cm. It's amazing to me how your belly measurement is in sync with what week of pregnancy you are in.
The biggest news that we received yesterday was that I had gained 10 pounds in 5 weeks! In the past I have gained around 2-3 pounds per month, so I had quite a jump at this appointment. She said that I was right on target with a 19 pound weight gain to date. I'm a bit nervous that I still have 17 weeks to go... hopefully that won't mean another 17 pound increase - YIKES!
I guess in the end, it really doesn't matter what I gain as long as I have a healthy little boy! My husband tells me that aside from a couple of key areas on my body, it doesn't really look like I have gained anywhere else. He is so sweet!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Day of Shopping!

And of course, I had to buy this onesie for Daddy, since he thinks he's kind of a big deal! Now he and Sayer can wear matching shirts!
And Mimi had to buy these biker boots for Sayer so he would have some "cool" clothes to wear. Aren't they adorable. My little biker baby!
Babysitting Slayton

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Nursery Decor Coming Together...

We have decided that the nursery colors are going to be burlap, cream, midnight blue and a lighter blue/gray. We are going to paint most of the walls burlap with a blue/gray accent wall (the wall by the closet in the picture above). Then we are going to paint a midnight blue and cream stripe (well the professional painters are going to do the stripes) around the perimeter. Hopefully it will turn out like I have it pictured in my head!
The crib bedding has multiple prints: stars, whales and gingham. I am not a huge fan of "themed" nurseries, so this nursery will not have a "theme". It really is just going to be a hodge podge of those things that I really like! Hence, the baskets with the stripes, ticking, whales and paisley prints.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Gearin' Up for the Border War

Monday, August 4, 2008
Week 20

I love that my belly is growing! Everyday I feel like I look more and more pregnant. I am hopeful that soon I will be at the point where people will look at me and know for sure that I am expecting. Rather than the in between stage where people are wondering if I've just put on a few pounds.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Nursery Furniture