Week 20
We are into the 20th week of our pregnancy and at the halfway mark. I can hardly believe that I have been pregnant for 20 weeks already... time has flown by. I am trying to enjoy and cherish every minute of this experience and am keeping a journal of all of the hi-lites of this pregnancy. 
Finally last night I felt Sayer move. It felt like my stomach was doing flip-flops. I felt it again several times today at work. It was an amazing feeling. I cannot wait until daddy is able to feel him move and is able to experience the same excitement that I am feeling now!I love that my belly is growing! Everyday I feel like I look more and more pregnant. I am hopeful that soon I will be at the point where people will look at me and know for sure that I am expecting. Rather than the in between stage where people are wondering if I've just put on a few pounds.
I can't wait to see your new crib, bedding and so forth. Slayton is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his new buddy Sayer. These next 20 weeks will go by just as fast, enjoy them. Love You!
Ashley, You look great!! :)
you are looking great!!
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