Last Friday Jason was in Springfield for a Jason Aldeen show so Mike and I thought that it would be a great idea to surprise him with a visit from his nephews! He had absolutely no idea that we were tagging along with Mom and Aunt Karen, so the surprise was perfect!
Upon arriving in Springfield we parked in a lot across from the arena and the buses and Mike and I hid behind our car with Sayer in hand. When Jason and Mom came walking through the parking lot to pick up Aunt Karen we sent Sayer running for his Uncle J! Jason was shocked! Sayer jumped right into his arms and was yelling Jaton, Jaton... my heart overflowed with joy!!
We headed to Lambert's for lunch and some "throwed" rolls!
drinking his milk from the 20 oz. cup - everything thing is OVERSIZED
and catching his very first "throwed roll"
Jason didn't have a lot of prep for this tour, so he was able to spend all afternoon with us. We went back to the hotel so the kids could take a nap and we could visit without interruption.
That evening before the show we headed back to the arena so he could show us around the set. Sayer got on stage with Uncle J and LOVED it there. He danced during soundcheck and really enjoyed watching them set up the drums. Getting him off of the stage was not a pleasant experience... he didn't want to come down.

rockin' the SMS rims
Mike and I didn't stay for the concert, so we took the boys to the Bass Pro Shop. Sayer wasn't quite sure what to think of the stuffed boars that were on display.
here are several videos from throughout the day...
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