Halloween 2010 was so much fun!!
Sayer and I spent some time putting his Elmo pumpkin together and when it was done he was very impressed with it. He didn't like that we had to set it outdoors, however. We decided not to carve a pumpkin this year, but that's something that we will definitely have to do next year.

That evening we had our family and lots of friends over for dinner and trick-or-treating.
Greyson and Stone hung out inside and helped pass out candy while Ava, Sayer and
Slayton went trick-or-treating.

Watching these three kiddos trick-or-treat in their costumes was so much fun. Here are a few shots in front of the house before we took off. The boys were very excited about the candy that was in their bags. Sayer couldn't wait to break into a chocolate bar, so of course I let him! It was Halloween!

At almost every house
Slayton would knock on the door, then turn around and head back towards to wagon before he got his candy. Sayer and Ava would stand back, but as soon as the door would open Sayer would dart inside and make himself comfortable (either on the floor in front of the candy or looking around). I had to run in and grab him from a few houses! Even though we had practiced saying Trick-or-Treat all day, I don't think that I heard Sayer say it once. Maybe next year!

Here's a picture of Sayer eating his last candy bar of the night. He had no candy left in his bag by the time we got home. After every house he wanted to eat the treat that he was given. I was in such a festive spirit that I went ahead and let him. He was wound up the rest of the night. I don't think that I'll let him do that next year.

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