Monday, July 27, 2009
My brother...
Swimming with Daddy!

Fun Times!!!

Old Friends...

7 Months

Visit with Grammy and Papa

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I have teeth!

Sisters-Gone-Wild with Coach, Kid Rock and Lynyrd Skynyrd
Earlier in the day we took a picnic lunch to the venue so we could spend some time with Jason! Kelly, Emma, JoDe, Aunt Karen, Mom, Dad, Sayer and I spent a couple of hours with him just hanging out and catching up. He couldn't get over how much Sayer had grown and changed since he had seen him last a little over two months ago.

Our tickets were fabulous! We had a clear shot of the stage with an open aisle in front of us. It allowed plenty of room for us to dance and karate kick (Kelly)! Stacy knew every word to every Lynard Skynard song and Kelly and I knew almost every word to every Kid Rock song. I have one word for the production = AWESOME! I was so proud of my little brother... COACH ROCKS!

Branson here we come...
That is what we most closely resembled as we packed the cars and loaded the families to head out to Branson for a 3 day family vacation weekend! Packing to go anywhere with an infant is CRAZY, but for a long weekend out of town. Holy Cow! There is so much stuff that you have to take with you, because you just never know what you might need. We had the car completely loaded to the ceiling! Then loading 3 adults, one 6 year old and a 6 month old in on top of that - we were packed like sardines. And that was just our car. We had another car that was just as loaded trailing behind us.
We left our house at 9:30 that night and pulled into our hotel at 2:30 am. So, the weekend started off with all of the adults dragging! We "enjoyed" 2 days at Silver Dollar City on the hottest weekend of the year and then played in the indoor water park at the hotel!
The hi-lights of the trip were:
- Getting into an air conditioned car after leaving Silver Dollar City

- Swimming in the indoor water park and introducing Sayer to the pool for the first time
- Having a great meal at "The Fish House" restaurant

- Enjoying cocktails until the wee hours of the morning on the "veranda" of the hotel after putting the kiddos to bed
- Riding Go-Karts! Watching Mom beat Mike on Go-Karts. Beating Mike on Go-Karts.

- Watching Mike open his 1st Father's Day present from Sayer (tears = success)
- Having a "Dirty Sunday" meal at Lambert's (home of the throwed rolls)

6 Months Old!
You know that Kenny Chesney song "Don't Blink"? Every word of that song is so true. Life passes by so fast, you really need to pay attention to the moment because next thing you know it's gone and months have passed!
At 6 months Sayer is:
- Eating solid food. His favorite fruit is bananas and vegetable is sweet potatoes. He does not like peaches or peas!
- Sitting on his own without support.
- Army crawling backwards.
- Making lots of sounds and babbling non-stop. Mike and I frequently refer to him as M.P. (MagPie).
- Squealing with delight.
- Smiling at familiar faces.
- Recognizes and responds his name.
I got his 6 month pictures taken a few weeks ago and a few of them are posted at the following blog site. Now the hard part, deciding which ones we should order! Meredith does such a great job.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sippy Cup
Sitting Up By Myself!

Emma's Softball Game!
Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy!