weight - 14.3 pounds (95%)
height - 23.5 inches (75%)
head - 16 cm (50%)
His doctor said that everything looked great! I talked to him about how much Sayer eats and how little he sleeps and he said that I should just keep feeding him as he demands it - even if it is every 2-3 hours. He said that sometime soon he should start sleeping at a bigger chunk through the night (hopefully before I go back to work in 3 weeks)! There's not really anything that we can do to help him sleep longer at this point.
He was surprised at how solid Sayer was when he held him and how strong he was when lifting and holding his head up. He was also surprised that Sayer had already rolled over! He said that ususally doesn't happen until closer to 3 months! Who knows maybe he'll be walking at 8 months just like his daddy did :-)
The worst part about yesterday's appt. was that the little guy had to have three shots. I thought he wouldn't know what was going on, but I was wrong. He made the saddest face when he got the first shot and then the "lamb crys" started. I felt so sorry for him! Mommy held it together, but Mimi shed a few tears with the little man. He has a Bugs Bunny band-aid on each thigh and we've been giving him Tylenol every 4-6 hours to keep his temperature down. Thank goodness we won't have to go through that again for another couple of months. It was not fun!

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