Thursday, February 26, 2009
Shopping with Sayer
Lately when Sayer has gone shopping he likes to be held one of two ways:
1) In the Baby Bijiorn

2) Crossways across the front of your body. I think he likes to see what is going on!

Fun Times!
Saturday Aunt Missy, Uncle Herb and Kole came over for dinner. Sayer had a great time being loved and cuddled by his Aunt who is going to be a grandma this fall. Congratulations Seth and Abby!

Kole on the other hand, had a great time playing every sport on the wii and planning a "slumber party" at our house with Will so they can stay up all night playing the wii games! Oh Boy! I think Ummie Mike will be in charge of that one.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sayer's First Night in the Nursery

I am happy to report that he went right down in his crib and did a good job of sleeping through the night. We were up at 12:30 - 3:20 and 5:30, but that's pretty normal around here! We have a video monitor, so it was pretty funny to watch him as he stirred. There were times that he would lay there in the pitch dark with his eyes open just yawning and fighting sleep, but not make a peep! I am glad that I listened to Mike and kept that monitor. It was well worth the investment and it keeps me from having to run upstairs every time he fusses!
Let's hope that tonight goes as smooth as last night!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
2 Month Check-Up
Yesterday Mimi and I took Sayer to his 2 month doctor's appt (Daddy had meetings all day). After placing wagers with the family, we were anxious to see what his measurements were:
weight - 14.3 pounds (95%)
height - 23.5 inches (75%)
head - 16 cm (50%)
His doctor said that everything looked great! I talked to him about how much Sayer eats and how little he sleeps and he said that I should just keep feeding him as he demands it - even if it is every 2-3 hours. He said that sometime soon he should start sleeping at a bigger chunk through the night (hopefully before I go back to work in 3 weeks)! There's not really anything that we can do to help him sleep longer at this point.
He was surprised at how solid Sayer was when he held him and how strong he was when lifting and holding his head up. He was also surprised that Sayer had already rolled over! He said that ususally doesn't happen until closer to 3 months! Who knows maybe he'll be walking at 8 months just like his daddy did :-)
The worst part about yesterday's appt. was that the little guy had to have three shots. I thought he wouldn't know what was going on, but I was wrong. He made the saddest face when he got the first shot and then the "lamb crys" started. I felt so sorry for him! Mommy held it together, but Mimi shed a few tears with the little man. He has a Bugs Bunny band-aid on each thigh and we've been giving him Tylenol every 4-6 hours to keep his temperature down. Thank goodness we won't have to go through that again for another couple of months. It was not fun!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Lovin' my BUMBO
I have been sitting in my BUMBO a lot lately with a bit of assistance from Mommy and Daddy. I am not quite able to sit in it by myself, but each day I practice strengthing my neck. I think I'll be able to sit alone very, very soon!
Thank you Aunt Kathy, Uncle Steve, Jami and Greg for my BUMBO! I can't wait to meet you this summer. My mommy has told me lots about you already!

It's not a fluke!
Just wanted to report that Sayer rolled over last night for Daddy while he was doing "Tummy Time" and he rolled over for me first thing this morning during "Tummy Time". What a strong little boy!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rolling Over!
Yesterday was a first for Sayer Michael... he rolled over!
Mimi kept him while I went for a hair appt. and when I got back to her house, I put him on his tummy for some tummy time. I laid down beside him so my face was next to his and all of a sudden he rolled onto his side. He laid there for a couple of seconds, then he rolled the rest of the way over on his back! I was like "Yippee" and immediately called Daddy to tell him the news!
I know that Mimi was just as excited as I was to see Sayer roll over for the first time! Pretty cool little man!
We are gearing up for our 2 month check up tomorrow. He will get a couple of shots, so I am not looking forward to that, but we are excited to see how much he has grown!
Mimi kept him while I went for a hair appt. and when I got back to her house, I put him on his tummy for some tummy time. I laid down beside him so my face was next to his and all of a sudden he rolled onto his side. He laid there for a couple of seconds, then he rolled the rest of the way over on his back! I was like "Yippee" and immediately called Daddy to tell him the news!
I know that Mimi was just as excited as I was to see Sayer roll over for the first time! Pretty cool little man!
We are gearing up for our 2 month check up tomorrow. He will get a couple of shots, so I am not looking forward to that, but we are excited to see how much he has grown!
Monday, February 16, 2009
President's Day with Mommy and Daddy
Today is President's Day which means that Daddy has the day off work! YEAH!

Enjoying Tummy Time... practicing holding my head up!

I love mornings like this where we can enjoy our morning coffee, watch the Today show and hang out as a family all while lying in bed! These are the small moments that I know I will always remember and will always cherish...

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today Sayer, Mike and I celebrated our first Valentine's Day together as a family.

Among Sayer's Valentine's was a bear from JoDe, a toy from MiMi and Grandpa, a couple of outfits from Grammy and Papa and a Panera Gift Card from Gussie (Aunt Karen is very creative). Thank you everyone!
It was a fairly uneventful day for the most part, but we did get to hang out with our family for a better portion of the evening. The pictures below are of Sayer and Daddy taking a break from shopping at Nebraska Furniture Mart.

Big Boy Jammies!
Check me out in my big boy jammies - size 3-6 months! I am getting to be so big!

By the way, I am really starting to love my play gym. I kick and bat at the objects above me!

Friday, February 13, 2009
Well Rested...
For the second night in a row Sayer has slept for two - four hour chunks and I've only had to get up once during the night with him. That is PROGRESS! YEAH!
I have added a 10:30 feeding to the mix and that seems to get him through until 2:30 - 3:00 am, which is fabulous. He doesn't wake again until 7:00.
Hopefully he will keep up the good work and I haven't jinxed myself! Wish us luck again tonight.
I have added a 10:30 feeding to the mix and that seems to get him through until 2:30 - 3:00 am, which is fabulous. He doesn't wake again until 7:00.
Hopefully he will keep up the good work and I haven't jinxed myself! Wish us luck again tonight.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Clothes, Clothes and More Clothes!
I have loved being off on maternity leave, but as of today I only have 4.5 weeks left. I can't believe how fast 7.5 weeks have gone! Anyway, Mike jokes that I need to go back to work so I can support my shopping habit!

This kid has more clothes than I'll ever be able to dress him in. He has the biggest closet in the house and it's half full of clothes! It's just so hard to pass up a bargain!
The nice days that we've had recently provide an opportunity for Sayer and I to get outside and most of the time we end up at Zona Rosa walking around and spending money on baby clothes. Last Thursday when it was nice we went to Dillards and found that infant clothes were 70% off! I mean how am I suppossed to pass up anything when it's 70% off? I walked out of that store with 20+ pieces of clothing - including several Ed Hardy sweatshirts and these cute sweatpants! I even bought a Hurley sweatshirt with a fauxhawk! I will get a good picture of Sayer in it and post it soon!

"Dirty" Sunday...
As a family tradition on Sundays, we like to get together and have what we call "Dirty" Sundays.
Of course when I brought Sayer out in his jammies Mike made a similiar comment about how I had him dressed! I thought he was pretty cute - but daddy thought he looked like he was dressed in blue sherbert! How can you not think this little boy is CUTE?!

I don't really remember how we came up with the name, but it is reserved for the day that we allow ourselves to eat dirty (non-healthy) meals! Not every family dinner on Sunday is "dirty", but most are! Last night we got together to have Chicago Style Hot Dogs and they were fabulous!
Once Lily and Will changed into their jammies I just had to get a picture. I am 100% positive that one day Will will pay me to burn this picture. I have a feeling he won't want me to show this one to his high school girlfriend!

PC Girls Basketball Game
Friday night Mike and I decided to go to the PC Girls Basketball game at Uncle Evans school. They were playing in the final game of a tournament.
Sayer did really well most of the game, but started to tire out by the end. He seemed to be most content laying in the bleachers!
Sayer did really well most of the game, but started to tire out by the end. He seemed to be most content laying in the bleachers!

Hanging out with Amber!
The girls had a great game and won 1st! Way to go girls!
Uncle Evans getting ready to hand out the trophey!
Our "Little" Thumper
Our little boy LOVES to EAT! I have been supplementing him with formula since we came home from the hospital because I just can't keep up with his feedings!

He eats every 2-3 hours and he will eat anywhere from 2-6 oz. per feeding - and that has been since day one! So, needless to say he is really filling out and putting on the weight. So much so that Mike and I have nicknamed him our "Little" Thumper!

A couple of weeks ago we weighed him at home and he was between 11-12 pounds. On Friday Mike weighed him again on the scale and he is now at 14 pounds. We have his two month appointment next Friday, so I will be anxious to see how close we are to his actual weight. If he keeps growing at this pace he could be 30+ pounds by the time he's one!
Smiling Sayer!
Sayer has really started to smile at Mike and I over the past couple of weeks and I have been trying my hardest to capture it on camera. Of course, by the time the picture takes the shot, the smile is over and done. However, I think I was able to capture it in a couple of these photos.

Nothing is sweeter than seeing your little one smile at you when he sees your face. It really does melt your heart!
Read to me!
On Super Bowl Sunday the family came over to watch the game with Sayer and I while Mike was in St. Louis at a conference. Sayer was chilling out on the floor and Emma decided that she really wanted to read to him. It was the cutest thing and I had to capture it on film! She was on the floor holding the book where he could see it as she read it to him. I really think that she thought that he could see the pictures! It was pretty sweet!

Emma was unphased by the fact that Sayer was screaming his head off and was not at all interested in the book. One of these days he will be intrigued by both pictures and books and I am sure he will be begging his older cousin to read to him!
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