Uncle J was home last week for Grandpa's funeral and he got to spend some quality time with his nephew. He couldn't believe how much Sayer had changed in two weeks time. Here he is giving Sayer his ba-ba.
Okay, so Mimi gave Sayer this outfit just before Christmas and I failed to dress him in it on Christmas Eve / Christmas Day. So, last week I thought that I would dress him up and snap a photo or two for keepsake purposes. Well, Sayer wanted nothing to do with it. He hated the hat and didn't cooperate for one single photo!
Seth and Abby were in town a couple of weekends ago and came to pay their newest cousin a visit. Abby looks pretty natural holding a baby!
Sayer's first bath in the real tub. He liked this much better than the sponge bath - except for when it was time to wash his hair!
Aunt Missy and Kole holding Sayer after Grandpa's funeral last weekend. This was the first time that Kole was able to help hold him... he's been waiting patiently since December 17th.
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