Katie Dawn and Grandma Kathy made this diaper cake for Sayer. It is AWESOME - the picture doesn't even do it justice! I have it sitting in the nursery and I am not going to take it apart until just before (or maybe just after) Sayer's arrival. I know that they put a lot of time and effort into making the cake and it does not go unnoticed. It is amazing! Thank you so much!
Thank you everyone for such an amazing shower. We love you!
The cake matched the invitations... a hatched egg and nest. Too cute!
Sayer's first birthday cake... I had never seen such a thing. We wrapped it and put it in the freezer for him to enjoy on his first birthday. What a great idea!
Mike opening the boppy... he thought that it was a neck pillow for his use while he feeds Sayer!
Jonalee and Chad got Sayer some Pirate gear. Too cute!
Thanks to everyone for a great evening and many wonderful gifts. And thanks Uncle Jason for making the trip back to KC to be with us on this special night! Sayer is so lucky to already be loved so much! Again, we are thankful!
30 weeks