It's official... I am a soccer mom!
This year we signed Sayer up for spring soccer fun with two of his best buddies Slayton and Aiden. This is the first organized sport that Sayer is old enough to play.
Completely unsure of how he would do with 30 minutes of coaching and drills and 30 minutes of scrimmage against another team... his first game went well! Almost all of Sayer's family was there to watch him play his first game... Grammy, Papa, Mimi, Pepa, Aunt Stacy, Lily, Will, Aunt KiKi, Emma and Uncle Michael. What a turnout!

The hardest thing for Sayer to grasp (as a three year old) was that scrimmaging against the other team wasn't about sharing the soccer ball with each other. He really wanted the ball, but wasn't always able to get it, so that led to a few tears! That's a hard lesson to learn - when most of the time as a preschooler you are taught to share with everyone. I am sure that this will get easier and easier for him to understand the older he gets.
We're proud of you Sayer Michael... our little soccer player!