Seven women... shopping... eating... laughing... making new friends... creating memories in Chicago - what great fun!
To top it all off celebrating my soon to be sister-in-laws last days as a single women - what could be better. I think for my mom and I this was a celebration that we had been waiting for for a long, long time!

Heidi said that we absolutely, positively had to make a stop at Garrett's popcorn and get the Chicago mix - caramel and plain. She was right - YUMMY!
Martini flights after dinner...
Stops at a few key Chicago sites...
And a Chicago dog... I learned about the dog when I met Mike (he grew up about an hour outside of Chicago). My mom couldn't wait to have one! I think it met her expectations!
A personal shower for Heidi with lots of great gifts and a couple of FUNNY ones too (those pictures were not so appropriate for the blog :-))
An finally a dinner at Bin 38 - specializing in wine flights, cheese flights and meat flights. How cool was that?

And the amazing ladies that I got to spend the weekend with. I think that this needs to be an annual weekend where the ladies from Michigan, the ladies from Missouri and the lady from Tennessee can meet to have fun!
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