When I think of Christmas morning so many memories come flooding back to my mind...
Jason and I would wake up super early on Christmas morning and whichever one of us woke up first would sneak into the other's room and get them up and together we would tip toe into the living room so we could get a peak at what Santa had left us the night before. Once we gave it a good look, we would go wake up mom and dad so they could share in our excitement. Presents would always be stacked very deep around the Christmas tree and they would grow half way out into the room.
Christmas morning, for the past 34 years of my life, have always been spent at my parents house gathered around their Christmas tree. Two years ago when Sayer was born, one week before Christmas, we celebrated Christmas morning here at our house and this year was the second time for that to happen. With Santa visiting our house we thought that it would be easier for my parents to come over here to open gifts. They were able to come over before Sayer got up so they were able to watch him walk down the stairs, his eyes full of wonder and excitement as he looked at all of the presents that Santa had left for both he and Greyson. I LOVE the look on his face and his response when I asked him if Santa came to visit. I will never forget this first Christmas where he "got it". I know that every year will only get better!!
Sayer and Greyson were both very good boys this year. Here are some snapshots from Christmas morning 2010.

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