So it's no surprise to most that Mike and I have a divided house... MU and U of I, but I couldn't help but dress the boys in matching Illini outfits yesterday. They looked so cute with their outfits and taggie blankets (thanks Aunt Karen)!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Poopie in the Potty!
Today Sayer told me that he had to poop, so we went in and sat on the potty! I gave him an Elmo and Abby book and some privacy (because generally he likes to go to a corner or a different room when he poops in his diaper) and a few minutes later he yelled... 'MaMa, MaMa, MaMa'! When I lifted him off of the potty low and behold he had gone poopie! I was amazed at my little man! I made a HUGE deal of his accomplishment and we even said "Bye Bye" to the poopie as he flushed it down the toilet.
While this was a huge accomplishment for him, I don't even think that he is remotely close to being potty trained, but it's a first step and for Mommy it was a BIG deal!
Way to go Buddy!
The other morning Sayer woke up bright and early, but I was busy feeding Greyson and couldn't get up to his room, so I thought I would just let him play for a bit, then go up and get him. When I finally made it up to his room clothes were everywhere and almost every book was off of his bookshelf, but Sayer was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in his bed or on the floor or in his big chair! I looked around the corner and this is where I found him...
sound asleep in his chair! Too cute!
Helping Mommy!
Mommy was busy cleaning up my mess in the kitchen, so I thought that I would help her out! She taught me how to feed Greyson his bottle and I've done it a couple of times with her watching, so I thought that I would try to do it myself this time. I did pretty good, don't you think?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!
Friday Mimi, Mike, Sayer, Greyson and I loaded up the car and headed north to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha! The boys were so good in the car ride there. We only had to stop once to feed Greyson and change Sayer's pants. When we got to the zoo the weather couldn't have been any more pleasant... overcast and 80 degrees. Coming from a week full of sunshine and 90+ temps with heat indexes in the 100's it was a perfect day.
We visited the bear caves, the gorilla house, the orangutans, the lion dens and the biodome before heading to the train stop. Unfortunately, we missed the train and the boys weren't in any kind of mood to wait for the next one, so we didn't get to see the elephants!
Sayer seemed to enjoy the gorillas and bears the most. By the time we got to the lions and tigers he was wearing his "backpack" harness and he was more impressed with walking around "all by himself" than he was with the animals!
We definitely want to make a trip back this fall to see the exhibits that we missed this time around. Hopefully with a few more months of age, the zoo will be more impressive to Sayer!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
It's County Fair Time!
Demolition Derby, Carnival Rides, Funnel Cakes and Kraut Burgers!
We took Sayer and Emma to the fair and they had a great time! Sayer rode the flying elephants, the motorcycles and the carousel. He liked the flying elephants, but didn't really show much excitement on the motorcycles or carousel! Maybe they just weren't fast enough for him! I have a feeling that he is going to be my riding partner as he gets older... Tower of Terror here we come!
While we were at the fair, we also checked out the petting zoo (a cage of sheep and goats) and the demolition derby. I was afraid that the noise from the derby might scare Sayer, but he really seemed to enjoy watching. He kept clapping and banging the water bottle on the fence. That's right son... you fit right in with the rest of the crowd!
I can't wait to take him back next year... I think he'll enjoy everything that much more!

Fun on the courthouse lawn!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My brother and I...
My little brother and I are starting to have so much fun hanging out together!
We take turns sitting in the Bumbo and the monkey bean bag chair...
And my brother practices talking and smiling for Mommy...
And my brother practices sitting in his Bumbo so he can get big and strong like me...
Sitting in the Bumbo!
Fun in the Bouncy House!
Saturday MaCallen celebrated his 1st Birthday. Happy Birthday Buddy!
They rented a Mickey Mouse bouncy house and ball pit and despite the 90+ degree temperature I thought that Sayer would enjoy playing in it. So, we ventured outside for a bit so he could play.
I was right... he loved the ball pit and bouncing! As for the slide... not so much!

Last Thursday I was chatting on the phone and pulling weeds from our garden in the front and I glanced to my right and saw a HUGE snake with a HUGE toad in it's mouth (whom I'd had an encounter with on Monday while pulling weeds). I immediately got goose bumps all up and down my arms and legs. Mike had a late night of meetings that evening, so I immediately sent a text to my next door neighbor and asked if he could come over and kill the snake. After trying to "remove" the snake carefully - the snake got away from him. YUCK! I was then really freaking out because I didn't want to take Sayer or the dog out front until it could be found. Luckily, Bob ended up finding the snake and had to do away with him - which was fine by me!
What scares me most of all is that Sayer and I were playing out front on Monday amongst the bushes in the front garden and I just wonder if that snake was there too. Needless to say, now every time I take a step out the front door with the dog I examine my surroundings to see who else might be hanging out along with us! EEEWWWW!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Mercury Gym
Last night Mike and I and Chad and Jonalee took the boys to Mercury Gym for the Mini Mini Gymnastics Class. Mike and I both had such high expectations for the class. We couldn't wait to get Sayer in the gym so that he could release some of that energy that he has!
The boys were able to go through an obstacle course with bars, rings, a balance beam and a slide. They also were able to jump in a foam pit and jump on a trampoline. The problem with the class was that it was a little too structured for my little man. He is still learning how to follow directions and he doesn't know what the word "Freeze" means.
We decided at the end of the class, when the four of us parents were dripping with sweat after having our own workout chasing Slayton and Sayer, that maybe the boys would be better off to wait a while and try the class again in the future when they were a little bit older.
Oh well... we tried!
Tummy Time
Greyson has had a lot of head control since Day 1, but I am amazed at how well he holds his head up for just being one month old. What a strong little boy!
Playing in the Fountains
Monday night Mike came home from work and suggested that we take Sayer to Zona Rosa to play in the fountains. What a great idea that was!
Sayer had such a good time splashing around, getting very wet and running in and out of the water. And Mike and I had just as much fun watching our little buddy smile and laugh hysterically as the water splashed him in the face over and over again.
When it was over we dried Sayer off, changed him into his jammies and headed back home. He slept GREAT that night!
Future Mower!!
Sayer is infactuated with Bobu!
Anytime he hears that mower fire up, he runs to the front door yelling "Bobu, Bobu!" Last week Bobby was mowing my parents yard and Sayer had just gone down to take a nap. Mom heard Sayer yelling "Bobu" from his room and when she walked in to check on him, he was standing up at the end of his crib, trying to look out the window (that he couldn't quite reach) crying and yelling Bobby's name. How cute is that??
Bobby is such a sport and he gives Sayer a ride on his mower at least every couple of weeks! He even let's him drive. I think that we just might have a future mower on our hands.
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