Saturday, June 19, 2010
Cute little buddy!
Newborn Photos
I wouldn't normally share this link with everyone, but since there is no way that I can purchase every single pose of my children, I at least wanted to share these amazing pictures that Jennifer of Moments and Memories captured of my new baby, my boys and my family!
We took Sayer to Jennifer for his newborn pictures and I definitely wanted to take Greyson back to her. She has an amazing way with newborns and kids and she specializes in the Anne Geddes type of shots. I love the way these pictures turned out.
Narrowing these down is going to be a difficult task!
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6/10 ashley
password: reik
Greyson - 2 weeks
Greyson's First Bath
Here are a few snapshots from Greyson's first bath at home. I remember giving Sayer his first bath and being completely nervous that I was going to hurt him. How different it is with number two... I know that no matter how much he cries, everything is going to be okay.
In some ways it is much easier to be a mommy the second time around, but in some ways it is much harder... especially when you have two under the age of two. I don't think I was at all prepared for how challenging things were going to be. I know, like all other moms of multiple children under two, that I will make it through and in a couple of years when both boys are out of diapers and able to play with each other I will look back on this time and smile!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
2 Week / 18 Month Dr. Appt.
Today I took both boys for their well visits at the doctor.
Holy cow... what a different experience with two - thank goodness my mom was able to go with me. I don't think that I could've handled taking both by myself. Greyson cried the entire time that we were there and after Sayer got his vaccination he had crocodile tears as well! When the doctor told me that I could bring them both back together again for Sayer's one year appt. and Greyson's 6 month appt, I was thinking NO WAY! I think it will be easier to just take one at a time from now on!
As for the boys, Greyson is growing very well. He now weighs 8.6 lbs. as has gained a whole pound in just one short week. If he keeps eating as much as he does now he may catch up with Sayer! He has also grown 1.5 inches in just two weeks.
Sayer continues to be right on track... 97th percentile in both height and weight. He continues to grow and grow and grow. The doctor thinks that he'll be bigger than his daddy one day. I hope so!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Getting to be such a big boy!
Sayer is really becoming a big boy!
We have been working hard on mastering the fork and spoon so that Sayer can feed himself! Last week Grammy brought over homemade chicken and noodles for Little Buddy. Sayer started dinner off great by using his spoon to eat the mashed potatoes, however by the end of the meal he realized that it was much easier and faster to just use his hands! What a little nutball!
coloring at the table...
sitting in his booster seat...
not sure where he learned that putting your feet up on the dinner table was appropriate :-)
Greyson - Day 4 (Coming Home Day!!)
Saturday, June 5th is the day that we were released from the hospital to come home. Mike and I couldn't wait to get home to Sayer and start settling back into the routine of having a newborn again.
Thanks to Aunt Jonalee we had an outfit small enough to bring Greyson home from the hospital in. I certainly didn't anticipate that Greyson would be as small as he was, so the outfits that I packed were a little too large!
And, thanks to JoDe for bringing us dinner the first night at home! What a huge help that was!
Greyson - Day 3
Greyson - Day 2
The days surrounding Greyson's arrival were very busy for the Reik family. June 3 was Mike's Birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy!!
Greyson had many visitors on Day 2. Aunt Stace and Lily, the Akrights and the Searceys were among those who came to the hospital.
Sayer also came back to the hospital to visit his little brother, but this time I was able to hold him. That is going to be the hardest part about having a c-section. I am only allowed to lift 15 lbs. for six weeks. Since my son is over 30 lbs. I am not going to be able to pick him up. UGH!!!

Day 1
Friday, June 11, 2010
Day 1 - Sayer meets Greyson
Sayer came to the hospital the evening that Greyson was born. Mike and I weren't sure how he was going to react to a new baby, but he was GREAT! He kept pointing at Greyson and saying "Baby". He even shared his blankie with him, which was a total surprise (if you knew how attached Sayer is to his blankies, you would agree).
Happy BIRTH DAY Greyson Jon Reik!
Greyson Jon Reik was welcomed to the world on June 2, 2010 at 12:40. He weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19" long.
Having Greyson was a much different experience than I had with Sayer. With a scheduled c-section we didn't have to wait hours to meet our new little guy. We got to the hospital about an hour and a half before my scheduled surgery so I could get prepped. We hung out with most of our family prior to the c-section, then when they were ready for me I walked to the operating room with my nurse and got my spinal block when I got to the operating room. The entire experience was AMAZING! I was completely calm and collected in the operating room! I was more excited than I was scared. The entire staff was AWESOME! Less than an hour after getting to the operating room we met our little boy!
Hanging out in my room just prior to my c-section. Those we love most were there with us with the exception of Uncle Jason and Aunt Stace.
Greyson's arrival at 12:40
Holding my baby for the first time!
Back in the room and meeting Grammy for the first time.
Little Man after having his first bath
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