On Monday Sayer had tubes put in his ears - and what a little trooper he was!
We had to be there at 6:45 and Sayer's procedure was at 8:15. The hardest part of the entire morning was trying to keep Sayer occupied in the waiting room for over an hour. Once we were called back we met with the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and the nurse and they oriented us on the procedure. We handed Sayer over to the anesthesiologist and then headed to the waiting room.
Literally, 10 minutes later I was meeting with the surgeon and just a few minutes after that I heard Sayer screaming in the back and the nurse came out and asked for me. Little man was really mad when Mike and I got to the recovery room. He was disoriented, sleepy and extremely upset. After lots of tears, we were released to go home. He fell asleep in the car, then took over a two hour nap when he got home to his bed.
When he woke up from his nap he was good to go. You would never have known that he had a procedure that morning. He was full of energy the rest of the day!
We will go back for a post operative check up and hearing test in a few weeks and we'll keep our fingers crossed that these tubes take care of the ear infections!!
Great job little man - mommy and daddy are so proud of what a trooper you are!