Not only was Tuesday St. Patricks Day, but Sayer also turned 3 months old! I am amazed at how fast these three months have passed. He is growing like crazy... up to 16+ pounds on the scale last I checked and is definitely getting taller as not many 0-3 or 3-6 month clothes fit him in length. He is exploring and discovering new things everyday. Mike and I could sit and just watch him for hours on end as he finds his voice and his hands... AMAZING!
Tuesday was a gorgeous day here and when I got to Mimi's after work to pick him up this is what I found. He was sound asleep on the front porch enjoying the weather. What an adorable sight - I didn't want to wake him up to take him home.

And this is the best picture I could get in his St. Paddy's Day onesie... he spit up all over it before I could get a "good" picture of him awake. Oh well! Mike and I are taking him to Portrait Innovations on Saturday to have his 3 month pictures taken. I'll post them once we have them. Let's cross our fingers that he's a good little buddy that day!

We played in the Bumbo for awhile Tuesday night. He is definitely getting more controlled and seems to enjoy sitting on the countertop looking around while we are busy in the kitchen!

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