- Air hockey - Mike
- Pop a Shot - First game Mike killed me - Second game I lost by 1 basket
- Racing - Both races I won... shouldn't surprise most of you who know that I put the pedal to the metal
We also found out that I have placenta previa, which is where my placenta sits below my uterus and is blocking my cervix. The sonographer told me 99% of the time as the uterus grows it pulls the placenta up and away from the cervix and corrects itself. At this stage in my pregnancy it is nothing to worry about. I will, however, have to have another scan in my third trimester to determine if a c-section will be required. I am excited to get to see Sayer again in a couple of months and if I have to have a c-section to deliver a healthy baby... it is fine by me.
As soon as I left the doctors office, I met Mom and Aunt Karen so we could do some shopping. We went to Marshmallow Kisses and bought as many boy clothes as we could. I think we were there over an hour just looking through clothes... I left with a bag full of goodies! It was so much fun - now time to start thinking about decorating the nursery. I am so excited since decorating is my passion.
I still haven't felt this little guy move around yet - or maybe it's that I haven't been able to tell the difference between gas pains and baby movements. I cannot wait for the day that I can feel him move - my friends have told me that is an amazing feeling.
Babies are true miracles from above. When I sit and think that I have this little miracle in my belly moving around it just brings me to tears. I am so thankful that God chose Mike and I to participate in the miracle of life. We are truly blessed! And extremely thankful!
Weight gain to date = 9 pounds
Mike and I did do a little shopping at Marshmallow Kisses this weekend. Mike picked out a baby onesie that we both thought was pretty funny and daddy picked out a diaper bag for himself. It is fun to shop... and I think this little one might be a tiny bit spoiled when it's all said and done!