Last Saturday our neighbors John and Dana had an 80s party - and they went all out complete with Rubics Cube key chains and Pop Rocks aplenty! Everyone was encourged to dress in 80s attire to take home one of the sacred 80s prizes for the winning outfit!I dried my hair with a diffuser and ratted it up so high it took me three washes to get all of the tangles and hairspray out! Mike said I looked like a girl out of a Whitesnake video... if only I had a hood of a Camero to crawl on...

Jeff and Michelle went to the party with us and Jeff took home the winning prize for the men - a bottle of Drakar! He went all out for the party... even grew a foo-man-choo!
Sheri Holder took home the prize for the women - a bottle of Luvs Baby Soft - remember that scent? That brought back some memories!
Mike Holder DJd with Totally 80s tunes... anyone for some NKOTB?
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