I had thought about it on and off since then and finally purchased it about a month ago. On the way to Jason's a few weeks ago I started reading it and I have to say that it has been the most uplifting / mind-changing book that I have ever read. It's amazing how much weight your thoughts carry... The Secret is about knowing how you can have, be, or do anything that you want.
A few of my favorite passages...
Have you ever started to think about something that you were not happy about, and the more that you thought about it the worse it seemed? That's because as you think one sustained thought, the law of attraction brings more like thoughts to you. In a matter of minutes, you have gotten so many like unhappy thoughts coming to you that the situation seems to be getting worse. The more you think about it the more upset you get.
Ask... The first step is to ask. Make a command to the Universe.
Believe... See the things you want as already yours.
Receive... Begin to feel wonderful about it. Feel the way you will feel once it arrives. Feel it now.
What can you do right now to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for. This shifts your energy and starts to shift your thinking. Whereas before this exercise you might be focusing on what you don't have, your complaints, and your problems, you go in a different direction when you do this exercise. You start to be grateful for all of the things you do feel good about.
Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power which gave it birth - yourself!
Loss, in any form, is such a difficult thing to deal with. That seems especially true when it is something that you want more than anything else on earth. Experiencing a miscarriage, for me, has been the most detrimental experience in my life to date. My mind... in relation to getting pregnant again, seeing other pregnant women and being around others who are pregnant, has been in a horribly negative place since December 19th. Before reading this book, no matter how many times someone told me to "focus on the other areas of your life that are blessed", "everything happens for a reason", "try not to think about it" my mind could not move away from feelings of anger and resentment... and "Why me"?
I can honestly say now, that finally, in reading this book my mind has shifted to a different place. It has been a long time coming... three months in fact! I am truly grateful, for all of the blessings in my life... my husband, my dog, my family, my career, my home... the list goes on and on! Expressing my gratitude for these things on a daily basis provides the most awesome feeling! Rather than focusing on not being pregnant... I keep focusing on being pregnant. I know that one of these days in the near future Mike and I will be blessed again!
Thank you family and friends for your patience, support, understanding, and unconditional love during this chapter in my life... Thank you Jason for sharing this book with me and Thank you to The Secret! This book has changed my life!
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