What could be better than going trick-or-treating with your best buddies? Being the mommy's and daddy's of the boys.
Watching them smile from ear to ear when they see each other in their costumes for the first time. Amazed that they are amongst batman and spiderman and bats!

Loading the two youngest in the wagon to go from house to house for their very first trick-or-treating experience. They're not really sure what to expect, but they are ready and anxious to follow their big brother's lead!
Laughing out loud as they march into every house they visit as if they own the place!
Proud that they say thank you and even give hugs after they grab their handfuls of treats!
Excited that PePa wants to come along to pull the wagon and share in the excitement of the boys and their Halloween experience. Not quite sure what his costume is (Panama Jack??), but so, so special that he threw something together to join in the fun.
Watching how quickly they catch on. Two years down and Slayton and Sayer are "old pros"! They run up to each and every door Sayer knocking and Slayton ringing the bell. "Trick or Treat" they yell as each door opens. So cute!

Best of all, as the mama, I am so happy and thankful that my boys (and Mike and I) have two of our best friends living just a couple of blocks away to share in the joy and fun and excitement of things like trick-or-treating... TOGETHER!