Sayer is 22 months today and what a fun age this is!!
He is in "Monkey See... Monkey Do" mode right now. Every thing that he hears or sees gets repeated back almost immediately. Some are good and some are not so good. It definitely forces Mike and I to think before we speak or act!
Sayer is also talking a lot. He can say every one of his classmates names, which is a pretty big accomplishment according to his teacher. We go through role call at least once a day... Stewwa Home... Liam Home... Hudson Home, etc. He can even say MaCallen, which is a mouth full for a 22 month old!
Today Sayer asked his daddy to say excuse me after he belched! He said "Excuse Me Gaggy"! And he told Greyson "No No" when he got a hold of something that he shouldn't have. I can only imagine what a mother hen he will be in a few short months.
Some of my favorite things that Sayer says:
- Where'd he go? (as he turns up his hands and shrugs his shoulders)
- Sayah
- Hammah
- Aahball (for football)
- BBBall (for basketball)
- Golk (for golf)
- Amma
- Gimmy (this was a new one as of this weekend)
- Gaggy (for Daddy)
We have begun to talk to Sayer about getting rid of his bucca when he turns two. We are going to have him turn it over to his doctor at his 2 year baby well check. So, I am hoping that he will be prepared to do so if I continue to talk to him about it daily. We'll see.
We love you honey and look forward to watching you grow, learn and explore new things daily. You never cease to amaze us buddy!
Here are a couple of short videos that illustrates Monkey See - Monkey Do!