Sunday, May 30, 2010
39 weeks
On Friday I had my last doctors visit. She was pretty convinced that I would not go into labor prior to my c-section scheduled for next Wednesday, June 2nd! So, we're going to enjoy the weekend and I'm going to enjoy my vacation until I am officially on maternity leave (which I tell Mike does not start until Wednesday)! Friday was also my last day of work. I won't be heading back for 12.5 weeks. I am just about as excited about that as I am about meeting Greyson! What a fun filled summer I have planned!
Uncle Jason's Here!
Friday Jason was in town with the Brad Paisley tour. We went down to the P&L district and Sprint Center to meet up with him after he got everything ready for the show. Sayer was so excited to see Uncle Jason! We got to hang out with him for a couple of hours before Sayer and I headed home. Those two hours flew by, but it was better than not seeing him at all! Love you Uncle J!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Deanna Rose Farmstead
Saturday Mike and I took Sayer to the Deanna Rose Farmstead. While we were there he was able to pet the baby goats, feed the big goats and see cows, pigs, horses, sheep, rabbits and all kinds of farm animals. He had such a good time! He is really into animals right now and loves to make the noises that the farm animals make. The cow and sheep are his favorite sounds! I can't wait to take him back this summer.


Saturday, May 22, 2010
Baby update...
Yesterday I had a doctors appt. and I was hoping that she would move my c-section to next Thursday or Friday... no such luck! I will have one more appt. next Friday, then this little man will make his scheduled arrival on June 2nd - unless he chooses to enter this world earlier on his own!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Less than 2 weeks to go...
37.5 weeks YIPPEE!
pack and play ready to go - CHECK
newborn diapers - CHECK
baby bag packed - CHECK
bottles washed - CHECK
I have everything ready to go for this little one and as the days get closer and closer the more excited I become to meet him. I wonder if he will look or act anything like Sayer did as a newborn. One thing that these brothers have in common is that they were both very active in utero... although I think Greyson is a bit more active than Sayer was at this stage.
That is definitely something that I will miss. I get a kick out of seeing a foot poke out and distort the shape of my stomach. One moment there's a body part sticking out of my far right side, then the very next minute there's something poking out on the left. It's so much fun to watch and feel. My mom has been a witness to a lot of these movements and she squeals in delight each and every time she sees him move.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Slayton!
Last night we celebrated Slayton's 2nd Birthday! It's hard to believe that he is two already. Seems like not long ago we were welcoming his arrival into this world!

Check out the book that Sayer is reading... I'm a Big Brother. He was trying to pick up a few tips before his little brother makes his arrival in a couple of weeks. Too funny!
isn't the choo choo cake so cute?
Slayton got a Little Tikes slide for his birthday, which proved to be a big hit for both of the boys! Mike and I soon realized that our son is a dare devil that has no fear or realization at this point in time that what he is doing is dangerous! At first I thought that we should buy a slide for Sayer to enjoy, but by the end of the night we decided against it. Mike didn't think that our blood pressure would be able to handle it!
here's the little daredevil standing on the top of the slide!
Sayer had a fun time helping Slayton open his gifts and playing with those that he had opened.
Check out the book that Sayer is reading... I'm a Big Brother. He was trying to pick up a few tips before his little brother makes his arrival in a couple of weeks. Too funny!
Pirates ROCK!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
And the nursery is done!!

Greyson's room is finished with 4 weeks to spare!
The Fire Engine artwork from Pottery Barn Kids was my inspiration piece and I love it... even though it was a lot bigger than I realized!
Sayer loves his little brother's room! He likes to go in and rock in the rocking chair and point to all of the fire engines and say "VROOM VROOM"! Most of all he likes playing with all of his little brother's toys and running laps from his bedroom through the Jack / Jill bathroom to Greyson's room and back again. I can only imagine what those two little boys are going to be like as they get a bit older. There will probably be a well worn circle in my carpet from them chasing each other around.
Greyson's bag is packed and most everything is ready to go. I just need to replenish the batteries in the bouncy seat, get the pack-n-play set up and make sure that I have everything downstairs that I will need for the first two weeks.
I registered at the hospital today and took a tour of the labor and delivery floor. It made me much more anxious for June 2nd to arrive! It will be here before we know it!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
All caught up...
Finally, after a two month hiatus, I am caught up on the blog entries. I will do my best to stay current for those of you who faithfully log on to see updates on Sayer!!
35 Weeks
Saturday I hit 35 weeks!! Officially I have only 4 weeks and 3 days to go as my c-section is scheduled for June 2nd (Grammy's Birthday) and the day before Daddy's Birthday!
I can hardly believe that it's almost here. The time has gone by so fast with this pregnancy! Having a toddler to tend to while being pregnant doesn't allow for a lot of free time for rest and relaxation or focus on being pregnant! I can tell you that I have been a lot more tired this time around and as the day gets closer the everyday tasks get a bit more difficult! Trying to rock Sayer while holding him across my chest and belly is almost impossible and carrying him up and down the stairs is definitely out of the question. I think one of the hardest things for me is going to be the restriction from picking up Sayer or going up and down stairs for two weeks post surgery. I hope my little guy doesn't feel neglected by his mommy!!
As for Greyson... I can hardly wait to meet him and hold him in my arms. I wonder if he'll look anything like Sayer or be as big as Sayer was. I imagine he will be as active as his big brother because he has been very active in utero, just as Sayer was!! As I type this, I'm looking down at my stomach and it's moving all over the place... I love it!!
Playing on the computer!
Sayer absolutely loves playing on the computer!

Now that he has mastered climbing into chairs, he loves to come into our bedroom and sit in the chair to play the computer. Typically, Sayer sits on my lap to play, but now that my tummy is getting larger it is becoming more and more difficult for him to sit comfortably.
Last week I had a brilliant idea to stack some pillows in the chair and let him play on his own. What a big boy he was. This is now one of his favorite things to do.

What a big boy!!!
Sayer has started climbing onto things... most recently he mastered how to get into a chair all by himself. Now, Mike and I frequently find him sitting in the dining room chair just smiling from ear to ear. Watching him master the climb was pretty fun - to see the look of accomplishment on his face was priceless.

I love you Uncle J!!
Sayer and Uncle J i-chat quite frequently and I really think that it helps Sayer remember who Uncle J is. When Jason came to town over Easter Sayer knew exactly who is was and had no problem in warming up to him immediately. I love to watch the two of them spend time together... I just wish that it could happen more frequently and I know that Jason does too! We love you Uncle J! Can't wait to see you again soon!
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