Thursday, January 28, 2010
Movin' and a Shakin'
I have been feeling this little guy move for the past couple of weeks, however over the past couple of days he has been doing flip-flops in my belly. I have a feeling this little dude is going to be a "Busy Beaver" like his mommy. Sayer was very active in utero and has proven to be just as active as a one year old. He never sits down!! I am going to be one busy momma in a few months.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
100% boy
Mike and I had our 21.5 week ultrasound this morning and we found out that we are definitely having another boy. Both of our moms went with us to the appointment and we all watched in excitement as she confirmed what we have thought the past 10 weeks.
Everything looks great on the baby and on me! He is measuring right on target, except for his legs which are measuring a couple of weeks ahead. So far, it's looking like long legs just like Sayer and Daddy! I am so happy!!
We can definitely see Sayer in his profile. It's amazing how much they resemble each other in utero. I am hopeful that this one will just have a small touch of me!! Come on head full of black hair!!
What a miracle this precious little boy is! I am so thankful that he is healthy and all looks well.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Love my books!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
These are for you Uncle J...
Hey Uncle J - Check out my new shoes. Mommy and Daddy took me shopping yesterday and we got them. They said I had to have new shoes because I've figured out how to work the velcro on my other two pairs and I like to take them off. Ha - Ha! These are Air Jordan high tops. Daddy said that I am going to be a good basketball player like he was one day.
I also got my haircut again today! I look pretty sharp, don't you think?
Mommy took these videos on the camcorder that you got she and Daddy for Christmas. She said that she will promise to take more videos of me and post more frequently so you can watch me grow (since that's why you gave it to her) :-)
I miss you! Love - Sayer
21 Weeks
I am now 21 weeks along and halfway through this pregnancy. I haven't done a very good job of documenting this pregnancy with belly pics, so I am going to start making an effort to take pictures every four weeks for the remainder and will upload them as they are taken.
So far, I am feeling GREAT!! I have remained very active throughout this pregnancy chasing Sayer around and I think that has helped a lot!
We go this Wednesday for a doctor's appt. and sonogram. I will post more pictures of baby #2 after that appointment. Hopefully we will get confirmation that this is a little boy so I can get started on the nursery. I already have some ideas in mind...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Christmas Day 2009
Christmas Day started at Grandpa and MiMi's house for breakfast and gifts. As the first and only grandchild, and Uncle J's only nephew he was a little (okay - a lot) spoiled this year. Once again, just as he did on his birthday, he played with a few of the gifts, but had just as much fun with the wrapping paper and tissue paper!

Christmas Eve 2009
Christmas Eve this year was full of family and celebration.

We started the day at Kent and Nedra's for brunch. This is the first year in quite a few that we have all been together for Christmas. It was so nice to be able to celebrate with Mike's mom and dad and I know that they were happy to have all of their kids and grandkids in the same place. We are so thankful that they live just a mile down the road. It makes holidays much more special. 

After leaving their house, we headed to Aunt Karen's to celebrate Christmas Eve evening for the second year in a row.

Prior to heading to her house, Jason, Mike and I made a stop at the cemetery to pay our respects, to Grandma and Grandpa, read the Christmas poem and pray. We weren't able to make it to the cemetery last year due to Grandpa's health and Baby Sayer and that was the first time that we had missed visiting on Christmas Eve since Grandma passed. This year it was extremely important to the three of us to make it there despite the weather since this marked the first year without either of them there to celebrate with us.
Christmas Eve evening, as always, was wonderful. This year was especially fun as we watched Sayer play with the presents under the tree and shake a lot of the gifts (like Great Grandpa used to do). We had so much fun with one little one this year - next year we will have three little ones to celebrate with - a 2 year old, an 11 month old and a 6 month old! Things will be BUSY!!

Sayer helping Grandpa pick up the trash!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
One Year Photos
My friend, Meredith, took Sayer's 1 Year Photos! We happened to have them scheduled on the coldest, most windy day in December. Sayer was such a trooper for such a cold day! Meredith got some amazing photos, as always! If you like these you should check out her other work at

Sayer's 1st Birthday Party

Sayer did a good job opening gifts, but after a while, once again, became more interested in the paper and tissue than he did the actual gift. In fact, Adrian and Sayer loved playing in one of the big boxes that one of his gifts was in. Had I known he would get such joy out of the simple things, Mike and I could have saved a lot of money on gifts :-)

Sayer's smash cake was extra special, as it was one that Aunt Jonalee, Aunt KiKi and Aunt Stacy gave him last year at our couples shower. I wrapped it and froze it and when it thawed the day of his party it was perfect. Little touches like that made the day even more special!

This little boy ate cake like every child should on his 1st birthday. At first he didn't know what to make of it, but after one small taste off of mom's finger, he became a mad man. Having 30+ people surrounding him laughing, clapping and cheering him on only fueled his fire to make a mess and throw cake everywhere.

At the end of it all, there was cake ALL OVER the floor, the walls, the window and the blinds. But, it was worth it 100%. The pictures, video and memories of that event will always be with us and everyone else who watched my son devour the smash cake, and Slayton's cupcake too!

Sayer is such a lucky little boy to be loved by so many great people! Thank you for making that day so special everyone and for coming to his party! You all mean the world to us!
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