Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 36 Dr. Appt.

This afternoon we had our 36 week doctor appt and we were finally back with Dr. Abney after being on a rotation schedule for the last 4 appointments.

My blood pressure is still great and I actually was down a pound from last week (32 pounds). YIPPEE!

She confirmed that I am dilated to 1 cm. I forgot to ask her what % effaced I was - I'll have to ask next Wednesday. The exam was not very comfortable today... Mike and I just giggled at my reaction because that is nothing like what childbirth is going to feel like - I am sure. YIKES!

I asked her how far past my due date she would let me go and she said two weeks - which would put me into 2009 :-( Hopefully we won't go over our due date and this little boy will make his entrance a bit early! As long as we can get through this week we would then no longer be considered pre-term if we had him.

28 days to go!!!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Work Baby Shower

Yesterday my co-workers had a baby shower for Mike, Sayer and I. We received so many great gifts - including our pack and play which was one thing on our registry that we still REALLY needed! Now Sayer has a place to sleep when we bring him home from the hospital.

Also, Dave and Mitch had a gift especially for Mike. Since he wasn't at the shower, I had to "model" it for everyone. They put together a present for the "daddy-to-be" and his "diaper changing duties." So creative... it was a tool belt equipped with clamps, shoe covers, hooded coveralls, latex gloves, facemasks, and tongs. All of those things that will Mike's job easier when he changes all of those messy diapers.
I am so lucky to work with so many kind, generous and giving individuals. THANK YOU!

Week 35 Dr. Appt.

Tuesday we had another doctors appt. - this time with Dr. Hartung. Mike was really excited to have our appt. with her, because she was a very active parent when Mike was a principal and he knows both she and her husband pretty well. She was full of energy and made our appt. very interesting!

She asked me at one point how I was feeling and I said "Just fine." She said, "Now Ashley, at this point in a pregnancy if we ask the mom how she is feeling and she answers "just fine" we know that she is just giving us the polite answer." But, I told her that honestly, aside from having difficulty at night getting comfortable when I sleep, I have no complaints. Mike backed me up and said "Really, she hasn't complained much through this pregnancy - not like some of the horror stories I hear from other husbands."

The truth is, I really haven't had any issues and overall this pregnancy has been pretty easy. I can still wear my wedding ring and my heels without any swelling... so for that I am extremely thankful!

Everything was perfect in her opinion... my weight (which is 33 pounds to date), my bloodpressure, and most importantly Sayer's heartbeat! From this point on we are at weekly appts. The daily countdown is on.

Something's about to change around here...

I have a feeling that Gussie knows something is changing around this house. I don't think that he knows quite what that is yet, but I think that he can tell that his life might be a bit different in the near future.

He doesn't seem to leave my side much and he lays on my belly whenever he can. It kind of makes me sad for this little boy. He has been our baby for the past six and a half years... I just hope that we don't push him to the side like most people say you do when you have a baby. The thought of that breaks my heart.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 34

Today is week 34.
My belly continues to grow and stretch. I honestly don't know how much more it will be able to stretch over the next 6 weeks. It is already so tight and is starting to get a bit uncomfortable. I am finding it harder to sleep at night and catch my breath. I am definitely not used to getting winded this easily.

Regardless, I wouldn't trade any of those things for the pregnancy experience or for the opportunity to bring a child into this world. It is the most amazing experience and I truly do love every minute of it!

Birthing Class

Saturday Mike and I spent the day at our birthing class.

Mike with our pillows and blanket before class
Although parts of the class were pretty interesting there were a lot of things that could have been taught in just a couple of hours. We learned breathing techniques, laboring positions and comfort measures.

One of the most interesting things was seeing the epidural catheder... it was a lot smaller than I imagined it being. Also, getting massaged by my husband for a couple of the hours was a nice little bonus.

Tonight we went to the hospital to pre-register and tour the labor and delivery floor. The maternity care coordinator showed us the room and broke down the bed for us so we could see how it all worked. Mike was a little taken aback at the bio-hazard trash bag that was placed under the bed.

We are getting extremely anxious, but I have to admit I am getting a little nervous as well. The birthing class made me really think about the contraction and labor pains. I just pray that the epidural will come sooner than later!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week 33 Dr. Appt.

Today we had another doctor's appt. We have one more in two weeks, then we will be onto our weekly appointments. We met Dr. Miller today and we both really liked her a lot. The appt. was short and sweet...
  • my blood pressure was good
  • no weight gain over these last two weeks (28 pounds to date)
  • Sayer's heartbeat was strong
  • belly measured right on target